You have the expertise…commitment... passion.

But what is the next, best action? What is the PLAN???

Now more than ever, you can make a bigger impact as a global health professional. Which of the three sectors of global health is the right fit for you and which graduate program is going to get you there? What is your next, best professional step? What are the mega-trends in global health careers, and how can you focus your career blending what you love, your gifts, and what it takes to be successful in global health?

Global Health Success is not just technical knowledge - you need to understand the BUSINESS of Global Health! I will help you bridge from where you are now to where you want to go with a stepwise strategy that you can use for the rest of your life.

If you are already a senior professional, a Project Director, or technical expert (or want to be), but have a bigger vision, I can help you bridge the gap between where you are now and where you really want to go! Big dollars are at stake, the clock is ticking, and relationships make the difference.

If you are just wanting clarity about yourself and your next steps in life, talk with me!

Are you where you want to be? Decide!

That’s where I come in.

Ready to make moves in your work and life? I’d love to help you focus, sort out, and move towards the future you want. I’ll bring deep expertise in the global health field and a variety of methods (like the Enneagram and other tools) to help you reach your goals.

Global Health Success Without Stress

Coaching & Consulting

For Your career in Global Health


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I’m Dr. Sharon Rudy, and I can help you go from where you are now to where you want to go. You can benefit from my decades of coaching global health professionals. I’ve seen all the mistakes! OK, I’ve made a few of them myself. You can benefit from my decades of coaching global health professionals.

Because I’ve been there. Done that. Successfully. Many times.

I’ve served as a technical expert and project leader. I’ve started up and directed multiple multimillion-dollar federally-funded projects. I know the ins and outs, the pitfalls, and the must-dos. I have been coaching global health professionals and those that want to be, for thirty years. I have done the research in global health careers and can show you the ropes, so you don’t get tripped up - so you can make your mark.

Who are my services for?

drsharon rudy - gloal health pros.jpg


Interested in pursuing or advancing in a career in global health? Coaching and mentoring is customized to your journey - to take you from where you are to where you want to go. Coaching may include:

  • Creating a career vision that reflects your unique gifts, passions, and career trends

  • Analyzing current thinking and stuck points

  • Deciding best next step - graduate programs, next job, that promotion

  • Core competencies for global health professionals at all levels


  • Turning a proposal into a working project

  • Planning a start-up and focusing on the right things first

  • Developing a productive relationship with the government representative

  • Building the right team of talent

  • Understanding the seats and levers of power

  • Avoiding “newbie” pitfalls

  • Balancing the needs of different constituencies

  • Creating a network of support

  • Retaining your voice, your power, and your well-being while making a difference




Not a project director or leader for a federally-funded project? Coaching and Consulting may be provided to:

  • Leaders of new initiatives, enterprises, or start-ups

  • Professionals aspiring to take the leap into leadership

  • Those wanting to create a more seamless personal-professional life

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